Command Reference

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      Column encryption settings enable you to apply policies you have made to each column respectively.

      • SET COLUMN <owner>”<table>”<column>”<policy id>
      • <owner>: name of the owner having the table with encryption column.
      • <table>: name of the table with encryption column.
      • <column>: name of the encryption column.
      • <policy id>: the unique id of policy to be applied to the encryption column.
      • Explanation: Creates entered column settings.

      #fancy-title-6787afd3bebcc a{ color: #5b5b5b; }

      • DELETE COLUMN <owner>”<table>”<column>
      • Explanation: Deletes entered column settings.

      #fancy-title-6787afd3bede5 a{ color: #5b5b5b; }
      #icon-font-6787afd3bf02f i { background-color:; color:#000000; border-color:; } #icon-font-6787afd3bf02f i:hover { background-color:; color:rgba(0,0,0,0.51); border-color:; }