- Page 1: 1. Create Encryption Policy
- Page 2: 2. Assign the column encryption settings
- Page 3: 3. Grant Encryption Privileges
- Page 4: 4. Save MyDiamo Setting
- Page 5: 5. Migrate Table to MyDiamo Storage
1. Create Encryption Policy
- Column Encryption requires five steps.
- In order to execute encryption, you will need at least one policy. A policy is a group of encryption settings that will be applied when you encrypt a column of data. If you wish to use a policy that has already been made, then you can skip this step. If this is your first time accessing MyDiamo, then you will need to create an encryption policy.
- The part in [] is option. You can type only <POLIC Y_ID>”<ALGORITHM>”<IV> . For example,
MyDiamo > create policy namePolicy”AES”VIV”0”0”CBC”BASE64”00FF MyDiamo > create policy phoneNum"AES"FIV"0"0"RAW MyDiamo > create policy samplePolicy"TDES"FIV
- Encryption Supported Data Type: char, varchar, varbinary, tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint, float, double, tinyblob, blob, mediumblob, longblob, tinytext, text, mediumtext, longtext, date, time, datetime, timestamp, year
- Partial Encryption Supported Data Type: char, varchar, varbinary
- In case of tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint, float, double, date, time, datetime, timestamp, year, user can only use FIV as <IV>, CFB, RC4 as <BLOCK MODE>, RAW as <ENCODING MODE>and cannot use <ENC-FLAG>.

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Continue: 2. Assign the column encryption settings