- Page 1: Log
- Page 2: Save & Reload
- Page 3: Convenience
- Page 4: Policy
- Page 5: Encryption/Decryption Privilege
- Page 6: Access Control
- Page 7: Column Encryption Settings
Access Control
You can selectively block accesses from specific IP addresses or allow them. It can be done by setting access control list and access control mode. Access control mode is access control setting for users who are not set on the access control list. If there is no access privilege and the access control mode is set to DENY, or in contrary the access control mode is set to ALLOW but the IP is registered to the access control list, then encryption and decryption are unavailable for that IP to the column registered. If the access control mode is DENY, then you should give access privilege for all columns in the certain table to give permission to look at the table. Remember that access control setting is only appliable to the tables D’Amo for MySQL manages.
- SET PRIV ACCESS <ip>”<user>”<owner>”<table>”<column>”<priv>
- <ip>: IP address to give privilege.
- <user>: User name to give privilege.
- <owner>: Owner name which owns the table with the encryption column.
- <table>: Table name which has the encryption column.
- <column>: The name of the encryption column.
- <priv>: Access privilege. (0: deny, 1: allow)
- SET PRIV ACCESS <ip>”<user>”<owner>”<table>”<column>”<priv>
- <ip>: IP address to give privilege.
- <user>: User name to give privilege.
- <owner>: Owner name which owns the table with the encryption column.
- <table>: Table name which has the encryption column.
- <column>: The name of the encryption column.
- <priv>: Access privilege. (0: deny, 1: allow)
#fancy-title-67aea026ce5b9 a{ color: #5b5b5b; }
- DELETE PRIV ACCESS <ip>”<user>”<owner>”<table>”<column>
- <ip>: IP address which was given access privilege.
- <user>: User name which was given access privilege.
- <owner>: Owner name which owns the table with the encryption column.
- <table>: Table name which has the encryption column.
- <column>: The name of the encryption column.
- DELETE PRIV ACCESS <ip>”<user>”<owner>”<table>”<column>
- <ip>: IP address which was given access privilege.
- <user>: User name which was given access privilege.
- <owner>: Owner name which owns the table with the encryption column.
- <table>: Table name which has the encryption column.
- <column>: The name of the encryption column.
#fancy-title-67aea026ce7d6 a{ color: #5b5b5b; }
You can set the access control mode by following commands.
- Explanation: Sets Access Control to Allow mode. In Allow mode, system only blocks accesses which is in the access deny list.
- Explanation: Sets Access Control to Allow mode. In Allow mode, system only blocks accesses which is in the access deny list.
#fancy-title-67aea026cebbf a{ color: #5b5b5b; }
- Explanation: Sets Access COntrol to Deny mode. In Deny mode, system only accepts accesses which is in the access allow list and blocks every others.
- Explanation: Sets Access COntrol to Deny mode. In Deny mode, system only accepts accesses which is in the access allow list and blocks every others.
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#icon-font-67aea026cefb9 i { background-color:; color:#000000; border-color:; } #icon-font-67aea026cefb9 i:hover { background-color:; color:rgba(0,0,0,0.51); border-color:; }
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Continue: Column Encryption Settings