Before starting with MyDiamo, you might have some essential questions. What is encryption? Why is it important? Who needs it? These are a few common questions that most beginners encounter when [...]
There are numerous types of database encryption methods in the market. Yet, many can’t decide which solution would best suit their DBMS environment. The answer lies in the understanding about the [...]
DBMS Internal Encryption Functions vs. Professional DB Encryption Solutions When we apply encryption to the database, we can choose from the following two options. One option is to apply [...]
The first comprehensive database encryption – MyDiamo for MySQL was very first released by Penta Security Systems, Inc. in 2013 (now MyDiamo supports MariaDB, PerconaDB, and PostgreSQL too). What [...]
MyDiamo는 어떤 컨셉으로 어떻게 설계되었는가 아시다시피, MyDiamo는 MySQL을 포함한 데이터베이스의 암호화를 보다 쉽게 적용할 수 있도록 만들어진 솔루션입니다. 이번 블로그 포스트에서는 펜타시큐리티 김덕수 CTO가 MyDiamo를 설계한 배경을 설명합니다. 암호화의 단위는 최대한 끌어올려서 Application으로 올리고, 암호화를 [...]
MyDiamo Design Concepts MyDiamo is the first encryption solution for both MySQL and MariaDB, providing users with comprehensive database security features. MyDiamo utilizes not only encryption, [...]