
Home / Resources / Guide / Operation / Decryption

3. Migrate Table to MyDiamo Storage

      Decryption can be done by typing the ALTER statement printed after encryption on the MySQL command line. At this point, the DB engine of the table will change to MySQL Storage. Please be cautious that you should access mysql with privileged user. The command looks like:
 alter table <OWNER>.<TABLE> engine=‘<STORAGE ENGINE>’;

To decrypt the table used as an example above, you should access mysql with SYS user and type command below in MySQL command like:

mysql >alter table JAMES.EMPLOYEE engine='MyISAM';

We recommend to delete MyDiamo Setting that you no longer use. The command to delete encryption column setting is like:


Be cautious when you delete encryption column setting since even though you re-set encryption with the same policy, the key will change.

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