Encryption with MyDiamo is enabled on the application and column level with the following features to enhance usability.
Supported encryption algorithms: AES, AES256, TDES, BLOWFISH, BLOWFISH256, RC4, AES-NI, AES-NI256
Supported operation modes: CBC, CFB, CFB_BYTE, RC4
Supported Initial Vectors: Fixed IV, Variable IV
- Fixed IV: Each column has a different initial vector. If there are records that have the same value in a particular column, they will have identical encrypted values after the column is encrypted.
- Variable IV: Each record has a different initial vector. Even if records contain the same value in a particular column, they will be encrypted into different values after the column is encrypted.
Supported encryption types:
char, varchar, varbinary, tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint, float, double, tinyblob, blob, mediumblob, longblob, tinytext, text, mediumtext, longtext
Partial encryption supported types: char, varchar, varbinary
- Trigger column encryption
- Default column encryption
- Partial encryption
- Masking – The MyDiamo admin can set the result values for empty data, masking, error codes, and encrypted values when someone without decryption privileges attempts to view data.
- One way encryption (Keyed Hash): Based on SHA-256 algorithm and supports raw and base64 type encryption.
- Encryption key import and export
- Encryption and decryption privilege management